Friday, March 15, 2013

4.08 Free Choice Blog

Chapter 9 “Obadiah Strang”
In this chapter of the exciting story Ludlow Fitch and Joe Zabbidou take a trip to the graveyard. They arrived onto the premise as the gravedigger “Obadiah Strang” was finishing up a grave. Obadiah kept digging for a while before he noticed that company had arrived. The man seemed disturbed by their presence in the graveyard. He started suspiciously as them especially Ludlow. Impatiently and in a hurry he urged them to tell him what they wanted so he could return to his work. Joe stared into his tired eyes and the man began to loosen up. Afterwards Joe invited him over to talk later that night after all the work was completed.

Personal Reaction: I believe that Mr. Strang is not very welcoming to strangers and feels as if they are a threat. He believes that they only come to town to make a profit off of the foolish villagers. The images that were portrayed implanted the sense of being there in my mind. The author used very descriptive phrases to describe the grave digger’s appearance.

Author’s Intent: I believe that the author is trying to build suspense within the readers. The author’s intention is to entice the readers’ emotions. Therefore the readers’ minds’ become captivated. The author is also trying to inform you of the lack of trust among the people in the village. He/She does a great job with allowing the reader to develop an image of future events but at the same time they have to wonder what will happen next.